Kees de Vries: 'For years I have been fascinated by salt, the purity, beauty of crystals, but also the mystery of the disappearance and regrowth of salt crystals. The pieces I have made since 2010 were mostly about the silence of the works inviting you to contemplation and introspection.
During the corona period, I couldn't help but create work that expressed both the feeling of hope and loss.
Salt cleanses, spoils and gives taste. In my series of work “Hope,” I played with the aspect of “taste”: salt gives taste to food and eating together gives taste to life.
'Hope....' is a deepening of my earlier work, in which the different aspects from the various series seem to come together. On the one hand, the paintings in which intense, sometimes scenic, sometimes baroque emotions in pure pigments and marble powders seem to come at you from the canvas. And on the other hand, the quiet power that salt exudes. Throughout history, salt has been assigned all sorts of powers, prompted by religions or geomantic traditions. By smelling salt in my consoles with tableware, I evoke the unconscious emotions that people have had over the centuries when seeing and using salt.'
2024 ZT 3
Pigmenten en fixeer op doek
80x100 cm.
2025 ZT1
Pigmenten en fixeer op doek
90x90 cm.
Angel of mercy
Pigmenten en zout op doek
170x110 cm.
2025 ZT 2
Pigmenten en fixeer op doek
90x105 cm.
2024 ZT 9
Pigmenten en fixeer op doek
90x90 cm.
Hope, 2023
zout, mixed media
2024 ZT 8
Pigmenten en fixeer op doek
90x105 cm.
2024 ZT 6
115x90 cm
pigmenten, fixeer op linnen
Kees de Vries also is a painter were light is the challenge. Colourful and bright which appeals to the imagination of how things can fit together, or using marble powders and pigments which gives the sensation of a travel deep in the hidden caves of the earth. A painter with a wide pallet of possibilities.
Enlightenment out of the blue
mixed media
220x85 cm
Enlightenment geomantic
mixed media
220x85 cm
150x160 cm.
mixed media
160x150 cm.
mixed media
Kees de Vries (Zwartsluis 1957) also makes objects with salt. Salt is one of the most beautiful materials you can find in the world. Pure white with the brilliance of the sunshine. Reflective, purifying, minimalistic, al kinds of qualities are accredited to salt. Kees de Vries plays with the material and investigates the possibilities to use salt in his works of art. The result are wall objects as well as growing forms. He makes the salt grow into tables, dishes, glasses.... an amazing procedure with refined results.
Galerie Franzis Engels Nieuwevaart 200,1018ZN Amsterdam +31 6 31000323 Open: Thu - Sat 13.00 - 18.00
Contemporary art in the Center of Amsterdam